About me.

I have a Bachelors degree in fine art/ sculpture  

I studied at Winchester school of art and Northampton university. I had planned to go on and do a masters but my partner became ill and I became his full time carer. I have a son who is now twenty two years old and very supportive. Whilst I was caring for my partner my work took a back seat and I just played around with various crafts etc which I did enjoy and I built up some interesting new skills! Art is not a pass time a hobby but a way of life it is the focus of my days from last thought at night to first thought in the morning...I also keep sketchbooks on the bed beside me because you just know the best images come at three in the morning. 

I have always been a narrative artist and although I have had my forays in to abstract expressionism it doesn't take very long for figures and faces to appear  so now I've given up fighting them! 

All my work has nature at its heart but all images come from my imagination. Small creature creep in and become insistent about their inclusion much like an authors characters, they seem to walk their own path through the paintings and drawings. Some I visualize and others start as a squiggle on a page and develop sometimes slowly sometimes very quickly, most I feel will make it into paintings at some point. 

The starting point for my work is always the inner life, feelings fears the barriers and masks we use to deal with everyday life. My late partner suffered from BI-Polar disorder, OCD, depression, agoraphobia and  sometimes he couldn't work out fact from fiction which was difficult when trying to deal with his many physical problems.  I kind of created my own inner characters to help me deal with his problems whilst protecting my own mental health. Oh and a good sense of humour is imperative.



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